
Thursday, June 07, 2007

New office bearers for 07/08 term

-extract from muoss accent-

this is the result of the recent MUOSS annual general election. congrats to the incoming office bearers. wish you all the best in bringing MUOSS to greater heights.

President: Jey Sern CHOO
Education Vice-President: Jia Kai GOH
Vice-President: Wen Li (Wendy) TEOH
Secretary: Jade KUOK
Treasurer: Adelyn LIM
Editor: Hong Qing YENG
Cultural and Social Director: Teng Hsien (Ralph) ONG
Service and Welfare Director: Lee Ting (Kelly) NG
Publicity Director: Kelvin TAING
Liaison Director: Shim Hwa LEE
Activities Officers: Jordan TAN, Kia Xin KOH, Ee Lynn TAN
Education Officers: Keat Wei CHUAH, Zer Ken YAP, Siu Fai CHAN
Welfare Officers: Wei Siang ANG, Tony NGUYEN

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